It'll take you only a few minutes, and you'll be take part on a global task force for safer AI
Our vision extends across the globe, and your network can be our compass. Each referral helps us discover and serve communities we might not have found on our own.
If you think someone is a great fit for these roles we'd love if you could pass it forward.
We highly appreciate you – please share this page with them!
Applications closed
How will the days be spent?
The bootcamp is free. There is no fee for room, board, or tuition.
This bootcamp is aimed at people currently based in Latin America. There will be more camps running in 2025 - please sign up on our website to be notified when these are confirmed and when applications open.
We ask participants to pay for their own travel costs - however, if this is preventing you from attending we will have the option to apply for travel support. The location is easy to access by public transport from Bogotá.
These are simply guidelines - anyone is welcome to apply.
This program is aimed at people in Latin America who are comfortable with programming and ideally one year’s worth of university level applied mathematics.
We are particularly excited about applications from those who fit a majority of the following criteria. We are looking for people with diverse skillsets; there are many roles in AI safety that could benefit from people with the knowledge provided by this camp, such as roles in communications, governance and policy. If you have some combination of these skills, such as advanced mathematics skills but less programming experience, or lots of experience in communication and less in programming and mathematics, we would like to encourage you to apply.
We might be willing to relax some of the math and programming requirements for promising candidates working on AI Governance.
Will there be any spare time? There will be periods of leisure and rest during the camp. However, the course is intensive and full-time - don’t plan to do anything else during the camp and we would recommend giving yourself a day off afterwards before returning to full-time work!
What language will the camp be in? All courses, instruction, resources, and conversations will be in English.
What do you mean by AI Safety? By “AI Safety” we mean ensuring that AI doesn’t lead to negative outcomes for sentient beings or the premature disempowerment of humanity. In a recent open letter signed by many deep learning pioneers, it is stated that “mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” Avoiding these bad outcomes is a challenge that has to be tackled on a societal level. In this camp, we will focus on technical approaches to building safer AI systems, for example by making their internal processes more interpretable.
I am not sure my level of technical knowledge is sufficient. Please see the prerequisite section above to see what level of technical knowledge we are looking for. If you are unsure, please err on the side of applying and feel free to contact us with any questions. Additionally, before the camp begins we will provide some preparation work.
How much do I need to know about AI Safety to apply? We expect participants to have a solid grasp of why and how an AI could become existentially unsafe for sentient beings and a general overview of proposed solutions. When it comes to theoretical AI Safety topics, we don’t expect an advanced level of knowledge. You will get more value out of the event if you have more familiarity with AI Safety beforehand. We will provide some reading before the camp for those less familiar.
What might an ideal candidate look like? We have particular interest in those who we can support in planning concrete actions towards working on the reduction of AI risks. Examples of promising candidates include: