We are inviting expressions of interest to collaborate in expanding our bootcamps to new countries and regions. We are seeking partner organisations and individuals interested in teaching assistant and organiser roles.


We are looking for people interested in part-time operations work in AI safety field building. The time commitment for this role is around 150 hours over 4 months, including attendance at the 10-day event itself.

We are also looking for organisations interested in partnering with us to host an ML4Good bootcamp. Similarly to the above, ideally we’d like someone from your organisation to work with us on operations, particularly venue search, country-based outreach and attendance at the event itself. Please have a low bar for filling out this form; this doesn’t entail any commitment from you at this stage and we are open to conversations tailoring this collaboration further.

Why is this important?

EffiSciences has conducted substantial exploratory work in activities relating to AI Safety field-building. They found that running these short but intense bootcamps are particularly efficient in jumpstarting partcipants' careers in AI safety. Past bootcamps have been a great way of fostering the community of the given regions as well as growing participants’ confidence in their knowledge of AI safety and ability to contribute. Perhaps most importantly, participants, organisers and the teaching team find the bootcamps and connections formed there very motivating. 

None of this can happen without organisers behind-the-scenes taking care of everything you can think of and much more!

What's in it for you?

As an individual: We have found organising ML4Good is a highly rewarding experience and the participants are very appreciative of the effort put into them. It’s an opportunity to get experience in operations, and test your fit with a relatively low-time commitment yet still substantial project. If someone you know wants to get more involved with the AI Safety community in an operations or community-building role, this is a good opportunity to point them towards.

As an organisation: This is an opportunity to develop connections between organisations, and for us to learn from each other. If you were considerig running a similar programme yourself, this would reduce the redundancy and make use of the resources already developed for this format and of our network of experienced teachers and TAs. If you think your region could benefit from this kind of programme, we'd love to collaborate.


Teaching Assistants

We are looking for people interested in being a teaching assistant at an ML4Good bootcamp.

This involves around 15 hours of prep work prior to the bootcamp, and approximately 9 hours of work per day at the 10-day bootcamp with some time off. The bootcamp is intense—please be prepared for this!

You will be working with the head teacher and the other TAs. You will have ownership of some of the sessions and be able to contribute to shaping the curriculum.

The role includes: teaching some sessions; supporting participants in other sessions; ensuring sessions are prepared for; running discussion groups; chatting with participants and helping to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere!

We are both looking for people willing to travel and those local to the countries we are organising bootcamps in. These locations are not confirmed yet and we are welcoming expressions of interest from all regions at present.

We take on people with a variety of experience levels and areas of expertise as Teaching Assistants. TAing is a great way to upskill highly motivated individuals who might be less confident with the content or the teaching itself. Having a teaching team with varying areas of expertise allows the participants to explore different areas and the team to complment each other. As such, if you feel hesitant about expressing interest due to these concerns, we encourage you to do so.

What's in it for you?

Past TAs have found that the role has helped them solidify their own understanding of AI safety technical topics, improve their communication and teaching skills, and develop their views through discussions with participants and other members of the teaching team. They’ve also found it really motivating to help people on their own career transitions into AI safety and to get more involved with the AI safety community.



If you think of someone for whom one of these roles would be a really great fit we would greatly appreciate your referrals - please send them this page.